Easy Green Living Idea


At our home we should eco-friendly product so that we can save our atmosphere from the pollution, as pollution is the today’s emerging problem in every where so if we avoid the use of plastic and poly bags and another types of synthetic element   which cannot easily melt after sometimes and we should remember that types of element are too much harmful for our environment.

To live green we should avoid plastic element in every sphere of our life so that used or rejected element cannot do any harm in our environment, recently some factories are producing eco-friendly products made by jutes or another melted element which are beneficial for our environment.

If we notice we can see that plastic element do trouble in our sewerage system and by throwing plastic in ground area that hamper our soil growth and fertility because plastic element never melt and it creates impediment in drain and another types of water flow system .

So, for being wellbeing of ourselves and our environment we should eco-friendly products rather to use plastic element.

Clean your surroundings:

Besides our window vacant place and roof vacant place and sunset empty place we should plant tree so that our home temperature keep control as tree always help us to keep cold our surroundings. If you notice as the tree gets bigger you may need to get some roofers to come make sure the tree isn’t damaging your roof.

Plant small tree at home:

It’s an effective way to live green by planting tree at home vacant place the tree jar should keep in the place where the sun heat can rich easily as in dark place tree cannot grow well so it better to select the space where the sun light rich easily, planting tree is more beneficial than we think if we plant tree at our home than it will keep a better result for us and our home atmosphere.

Besides our window vacant place and roof vacant place  and sunset empty place we should plant tree so that our home temperature  keep control  as tree always help us to  keep cold our surroundings .

Use bio –gas:

If we use bio gas for our cooking activities and another activities rather to use oil than it will more beneficial for our environment and our air because when we burn oil and diesel it release carbon monoxide and that gas helps to increase carbon dioxide in our environment and this carbon dioxide are mainly responsible for increase of heat in our earth as well as our environment so if we use bio gas than it will keep positive impact at our environment. There are two types of bio gas one is natural another is human produced ,the types of bio gas which are human produced are called bio gas plant and that types of bio gas plant helps us to perform a fermentation process by the help of our rejected things and waste which can spoil our environment if that waste keep open in our surroundings ,however bio gas plant or use of bio gas are keep a better impact for our environment so we should take some effective steps to use bio gas in every where so that air carbon dioxide can    reduce as much as possible .

Stop toxic chemical use:

In our daily life we are using several toxic chemicals at our garden or at our home so it is better to  avoid  to  use toxic chemical at their home  for reduce mosquitoes and keep away from different types of insects but it is scientifically prove that by using several types of chemical at our home or outside of our home keep a harmful effect in human body and create chest illness and create high blood pressure and several types of skin diseases , so it is better to avoid use of chemicals permanently , on the other hand if we take care our home area properly and keep clean daily basis than  we can save ourselves from the bed effect of chemicals and keep safe from the bed effect of our environmental ecological balance .

Angie Tarantino

Related to my brother John Tarantino, I live in the San Francisco Bay area in sunny in California. I like to cover animal rights, green tips, and general green news topics. I really care about animals and I actively foster cats and dogs from the veterinarian that I work at when people abandon their animals there. You can connect with me via my social networks: Facebook Twitter g+

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