Smart Grid in our Future

Google is working on a prototype system called the Google Powermeter to help energy consumers monitor and track their energy consumption. It would require something called a smart meter, a new method that utility companies are upgrading to, and Google’s prototype product the Google Powermeter. This would save the utility company from sending a worker to read your power meter every month. Instead, your power reading would be sent over a secure wireless signal to the utility company. Having a smart grid in our future will ensure the most efficient energy delivery systems that can calculate delivery routes through a decentralized energy network.

If you live in the Portland, Oregon metro area…Portland General Electric claims that once the system is fully up and running (estimated to be in September 2010), the benefits would be:

Saves money: PGE anticipates millions in savings per year with the installation of smart meters. Controlling costs helps keep electric rates as low as possible.

Saves the environment: Fewer meter-reading vehicles will cut 1.2 million miles of driving, save 80,000 gallons of gasoline and reduce CO2 emissions by 1.5 million pounds every year.

Speeds power restoration: Further down the road, the new meters will be able to tell PGE if you’re experiencing a power outage. That can help us dispatch repair crews more efficiently and speed the restoration of service.

Helps you save energy: When the entire system is up and running, you’ll be able to access detailed information about your power consumption. Together, we can help you plan energy-saving strategies.

The last point is where Google hopes to work with utility companies to provide a service to energy consumers who want to view a break down of their electricity usage. If you know what, when, and how you are consuming energy (as seen on the picture above) , you are likely to save 5%-15% on your energy bill every month. Google claims that if the entire United States were to really utilize a program like the one they are implementing…the energy savings would amount to the equivalent of removing 50 million cars off of the road! Looks like our energy future is bright =)

Click here to read to learn more.

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John Tarantino

My name is John Tarantino … and no, I am not related to Quinton Tarantino the movie director. I love writing about the environment, traveling, and capturing the world with my Lens as an amateur photographer.

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