America’s Renewable Energy Report Card

Do as the Danes Would do.

Obama said it well last week in Iowa on Earth day “I don’t think we should be followers, I think it’s time for us to lead.” He was referring to America being the leader in renewable energy sources. And currently Denmark is the best example of where the US should be at. Here are some reasons why they are first:

  • They get 20-25% of electricity and heating from renewable energy, mostly biomass, biodegradable waste and wind.
  • That will be 36% by 2025.
  • They build houses with green roofs made from seaweed…enough said.
  • Since 1973, they’ve gone from a 99% dependence on Middle East oil to 0% today. None.

Obama also mentioned that currently America produces less than 3% of it’s electricity from renewable sources, like wind and solar. Danish companies manufacture 40 percent of the world’s supply of wind turbines, as well as having had extensive research programs for decades which provides employment for a good chunk of the population. The people of Denmark are kind of like simpletons. The average Dane only owns one vehicle and a lot of them use public transportation. A majority of them don’t own half the gadgets your every day American has in their house. They use less than half the energy Americans use annually. A fun fact about the Danish is that they are reported, in a social study, to be the happiest people on earth. They have total energy Independence and a great attitude towards sustainability for future generations. I think the US may have a tough time beating them for the top spot! But we can sure try!

Thoughts, Comments, Questions…

John Tarantino

My name is John Tarantino … and no, I am not related to Quinton Tarantino the movie director. I love writing about the environment, traveling, and capturing the world with my Lens as an amateur photographer.

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