Important Practical Costs and Considerations to Remember with an Office Move or Relocation

office move Planning a move for your business can be exciting, but it has its challenges as well. You have to find the perfect new location, for one, but you also have to make sure that the move is done with the least stress possible. And what about the cost? For many, the budget they have allotted turns out not to be enough, especially with unexpected costs to contend with. So what kind of expenses should you be looking at when planning an office move? How about other important considerations?

Budgeting for your office relocation

The costs of an office move often extend beyond the rental fees and other occupational expenses, such as maintenance, energy, and so on. You also have to think about expenses such as transaction fees for solicitors and estate agents, the cost of insurance, the cost of assessment for fire planning, and the costs of designing and fitting out your new office.

Other expenses would also include IT and telecommunications costs, especially cabling and the fees for relocating IT and telecommunication equipment. If you need to buy new furniture, you have to fit this into your budget as well. If you rely on an office removals company (and you very well should if you want your move to be done in a more organised manner), removals Gloucester specialists such as Advanced Removals & Storage confirm that you have to factor this into your costs as well. There are also other costs to think about after the move, such as the cost of new business cards and stationery, updates on your website, and the redirection of mail.

Your office’s new design

You can always seek help from an office design firm so you can properly organise the layout and design of your new office. Most firms can also help you set up other essentials such as air conditioning, ventilation, and heating systems; electrical and mechanical design as well as installation, and even make sure that you are following health and safety requirements for your new location.

You need to plan out the different areas of your office, ranging from the reception area to the meeting or conference rooms, office suites, kitchen or tea-making areas or points, copy areas and mail rooms, and even recycling areas.

Office storage

Storage considerations are, sadly, often overlooked, and you may end up making your office look more like a warehouse. That being said, make sure your storage needs are assessed and determined as well. You not only need to think about your storage needs for equipment, inventory, and paperwork; you also need to consider the individual storage requirements of your staff. A storeroom is necessary for many businesses, as this is where supplies and other equipment can be placed. You may also consider storage facilities off-site if you don’t have enough storage space in your new office.

John Tarantino

My name is John Tarantino … and no, I am not related to Quinton Tarantino the movie director. I love writing about the environment, traveling, and capturing the world with my Lens as an amateur photographer.

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