Why There Is A Need To Shift The Industries To Sustainable Clean Energy

clean energy

Why there is a need to shift the industries according to the proposition of ecology and sustainability in contemporary world?  This question formulated a diversion of Industrial Revolution into Environmental Revolution.  It is our obligation to behold the services of technology that has changed our living standards, but it has also concocted the era of environmental destruction. Both revolutions are driven by technologies but the content that separates these two revolutions is, that the environmental revolution will attain our and future generation’s needs by making peace with the Nature. Environmental revolution and industrial revolution are parallel to each other in a way that both are dependent on the shift of conventional energy production to renewable energy sources that can cope up with business investment as well as with the environment, that why it is named as Green Solutions. The World counted 13.2% of total primary energy supply from renewable sources in 2012, and is prognosticated to increase at least 26% by 2020, according to report of IEA Medium-Term Renewable Energy Report 2015.

But the question is, How much Green is Green?

“I’ll support a clean energy target – if coal is included,” Barnaby Joyce, an Australian Politician (the guardian 13 July, 2017)

The world spends almost 1.7 trillion (USD) each year on fossil fuels for energy generation. Perhaps currently, it is considered sustainable sources of energy but we will deprive of these sources one day with long lasting damage to environment and the emission of dangerous green house gasses (GHGs) into the atmosphere. According to National Geographic 2015, since the end of nineteenth century the temperature of earth has risen by an average of 0.85. With this fact fossil fuels will play more significant role in increasing the temperature of atmosphere. Although we are polarized by boundaries of different countries but the one thing that connects us all is Nature-yet disconnected to it. So there is no such thing like Clean-Coal, and your support can suffocate the future. Because burning coal is not the local matter, although a global issue.

In comparison renewable sources of energy are clean and are have a competitive business market in growing days. International communities are backing up the renewable energies through Paris Accord 2015, and to reduce the emissions, around 200 countries signed this pledged. There are so many developing countries that have also started working towards the green energy solutions for example Pakistan and India. Pakistan, being a developing country, has signed many projects of renewable energy to meet their need in future under the umbrella of CPEC. This country has been a victim of load shedding since so many years and energy production is the major focus under CPEC project and is expected to invest approximately 33 billion (USD). Around 10,400 MW of electricity are scheduled for production by March 2018 as “Early Harvest” Projects in China Pakistan Economic Corridors (CPEC). Pakistan has taken a good initiative by constructing Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park-world largest solar park- near Bahawalpur City with the help of Zonergy Company of China with the generation capacity of 1000 MW.

According to an article of USA, it has estimated that jobs in solar energy sectors are increasing 12 times faster as US economy. During 2012-2015 the employment growth rate in fossil fuels was 4.5%, in comparison, during that period, clean energy jobs had 6% rate. Energy and Employment Report 2017 of USA suggested that renewable energy industries employ more people than fossil fuels. These jobs pay high amount of salaries to both professionals and manufacturer workers. So the right places to invest are in clean energies than fossil fuels. They are renewable, sustainable, eco-friendly and lasts long.

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