Top 5 Tips to Secure an “A” in Biology


During the life of a student, he/she needs to study many subjects before being able to opt for a specialization. There are certain subjects in which the students seem to excel while tending to be average in the rest. Well, numerous factors contribute to such grade segregations.

Biology is a subject, which is familiar to students worldwide. The students that are following science need to have this subject since it is a fundamental composition of the stream. If you are struggling to secure an A in Biology despite all the efforts, then these points mentioned below can help you get the best score in very little time.

  • Make a study time plan

When you need to cover many subjects, it is important for you to be able to spare time for each of them. The first thing that you need to do is dedicate a consolidated amount of time every day for studying Biology. Owing to the fact that it is a very vast subject, you would want to ensure that you are in tough with its concepts on a regular basis.

With a set amount of time being dedicated towards the subject, you will be in touch with the chapters every day. This will help you memorize them better.

  • Mark the important points and concepts

You can find many complex points present in various chapters. At the same time, some of them might just be very important for the exam. It is important that you are able to mark such concepts and topics for future reference. You may also like to read Campbell Biology 7Th Edition.

Making notes is essential since learning along a blind curve will yield nothing. Once you have sorted out the topics based on the syllabus, make notes related the most crucial ones.

  • Learn the procedures from the diagrams

Many of the concepts in Biology are defined using a diagram. These concepts can be hard to remember. The easy way to deal with such things is to practice the diagram ahead of learning the procedure. Once you are acquainted with the diagram, you will be envisioning the process in a better way.

For instance if you are learning the process of filtration of human kidneys then consider practicing the diagram first. Once you are acquainted with the diagram, read he procedure for two to three times and you should be able to clearly understand the concept.

  • Avoid learning the processes word to word

Mugging up every concept in Biology is among the biggest mistakes performed by students. This hampers their natural thinking process and makes them susceptible to mistakes during the exam. It is better to understand the process and then frame the entire explanation in your own words. In this way, you will be able to understand it better and if needed, improvise during the exam.

  • Focus on the terminologies

The subject in general has many terminologies. It is important that you focus on the terminologies and learn them very carefully. Writing the wrong terminology often costs the student many marks. Instead of learning the entire process, focus on its terminologies more. Therefore, you will be able to avoid crucial errors during the examination.

With the aforementioned tips, you will be able to nail the Biology exam next time and score phenomenal grades. All you need to do is get serious and study in a smart manner.

John Tarantino

My name is John Tarantino … and no, I am not related to Quinton Tarantino the movie director. I love writing about the environment, traveling, and capturing the world with my Lens as an amateur photographer.

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