John Tarantino

John Tarantino

Red Pandas

Kung Fu Panda’s small but terrible martial arts master Shifu would be glad. BBC News reports that a male red panda has been transferred from the Paignton Zoo in Devon to Galloway Wildlife Conservation…

Environmental Effects of Oil Spills

The environmental effects of oil spills vary in degree according to the type of oil, ecosystem, season and current water conditions. Oil spills are one of the most unfortunate accidents…

Coping with Climate Change

Natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, droughts, and volcanic eruptions are found more and more in the news these days. Every year they are responsible for many deaths and…

Climate Change Vulnerability

The Earth’s climate has been evolving continuously over millennia but the last two centuries have witnessed the development of the man-made greenhouse problem, which accelerates change climate vulnerability in an…
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