My name is John Tarantino … and no, I am not related to Quinton Tarantino the movie director.
I love writing about the environment, traveling, and capturing the world with my Lens as an amateur photographer.
Just to be clear, I am not talking about your simple family farm or rural America for that matter. This weeks theme is based on the large scale industrial production…
According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, they have constructed voluntary guidelines for wind developers to follow to try and minimize the risk associated with wind power and bird…
The authors of a new study warn that food and water shortages that could potentially be caused by global warming could spark wars. The study conducted, evaluated the history and…
This documentary film, Manufactured Landscapes, comes at a time when we as a population have become so great in number that we have begun to transform the landscape of the…
I have come across a 409 page report that I think shows some interesting numbers and points out something obvious, but yet not much people think about it. LIVESTOCK. According…